Friday, 8 July 2011

School holidays - end of week 1

So today is friday we are one week into the school holidays and we have so far done nothing all holidays as we have all been sick with colds and feeling awful.

But we have had some progress on the development fron of the baby.

He can now commando crawl, it takes him a while and he gets exhusted very fast but he can crawl yay. My little 8  1/2 month old is growing up.

As for Mr 23 months i cant believe he will be 2 next month and is still not talking. Mum, dad and bub is just not enough for a nearly 2 year old if you ask me, but none of the health professionals are concerned they have said that a lot of kids this age dont say much, so i guess i should stop stressing about it. I think by spring we will be able to start toilet training him which will be very good, cause he has a massive tantrum everytime i change his bum.

On wednesday i picked up my tupperware order, wasnt a big order but cant wait to use it all the same. I got a muesili bar maker and some bar keepers. It came with a recipe book with some really great recipes in it. Fun fun fun.

i am also going to make some biscuits today from an awesome new recipe i came across. I got it from a website called the Stay At Home Mum,

Here is the recipe:

120 cookies for $4!

Make over 120 cookies for just $4.00! This fantastic basic cookie recipe is terrific value, makes loads and has lots of room for variations:

500g margarine
1 tin condensed milk
1 cup sugar
5 cups self-raising flour

Cream sugar and margarine. Add condensed milk and flour. Roll into teaspoon sized balls and press down with a fork. Place on greased trays and bake in moderate oven until golden brown (approximately 10-15 minutes).

Before baking I divide the mixture into five and add the following ingredients for different flavoured cookies:
1.Chocolate chips and glace cherries (chopped)
2.Cornflakes and sultanas
3.Hundreds and Thousands
4.Jam drops
5.Milo and coconut

You could add any number of other things like Rice Bubbles, Smarties, nuts, cinnamon and other spices and so on. The raw mixture can be frozen in balls, just thaw slightly before baking.

From this one batch we made 123 cookies and by my calculations using the cheapest possible ingredients the whole batch cost just over $4.00 to make!

I will post some pics later with a review.

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